Networks of NW-orientated faults are very important on the SPJ Project, as well as across the Southern Province. On the SPJ project, the most important structure of that set is the NNW-striking McLaren Lake Fault. With its parallel and satellite deformations zones, it is known as the McLaren Lake Fault Zone (“MLFZ”), extending approximately 12 km southeast of Lake Wahnapitae on the SPJ Project until it gets transposed in the Grenville front. At SPJ, the MLFZ is associated with Cu-Au mineralization in quartz-carbonate veining at the historic Alwyn-Porcupine and Ashigami Occurrence. At the boundary of the Grenville Front, the MLFZ becomes transposed across a complex network of thrust faults and shears which helped form the Jovan, McLeod, and Palkovics polymetallic metal enrichments. 

Polymetallic-Au mineralization along the MLFZ. Orange text boxes indicate mineralization zones related with the MIAC system and blue text boxes indicate magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization zones related to the Nipissing intrusive suite. ALS GoldSpot integrated targets are outlined in red (high), orange (moderate), and green (low).
Polymetallic-Au mineralization along the MLFZ. Orange text boxes indicate mineralization zones related with the MIAC system and blue text boxes indicate magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization zones related to the Nipissing intrusive suite. ALS GoldSpot integrated targets are outlined in red (high), orange (moderate), and green (low).

Alwyn Mine


  • Au-Cu mineralization in quartz-sulfide veins along the McLaren Lake Fault Zone (MLFZ), confirmed over a strike length of 115 m and remains open in all directions.
  • Cu-Au mineralization related to incipient K-feldspar and specular hematite veins demonstrate increasing intensity with depth, indicating potential for a larger IOCG deposit model
  • Widest and most significantly mineralized interval intersected during the first five hole program at Alwyn conducted in 2022 was located southeast of the Alwyn Mine beyond the historically known footprint in hole AW-22-102:
    • 0.17% Cu, 0.36 g/t Au and 0.28 g/t Ag over 90.44 m in hole AW-22-102, including two zones of stronger mineralization.
    • Upper zone: 41.53 m at 0.24% Cu, 0.43 g/t Au and 0.41 g/t Ag, including 1.36 % Cu, 3.87 g/t Au and 3.05 g/t Ag over 3.20 m.
    • Lower zone: 13.00 m at 0.29% Cu, 0.82 g/t Au and 0.33 g/t Ag.
  • Identification of cobalt anomalies in most of the drill holes completed in the Alwyn system with the broadest intersection being 0.015 % Co over 26.50 meters in AW-22-101
  • Strike length of entire Alwyn mineralization trend proposed up to 2.5 km by ALS GoldSpot’s artificial intelligence generated targeting in May 2022.
  • 2023 gravity survey completed over the entire Alwyn Cu-Au trend (321.9 Ha) confirmed several positive anomalies characteristic of an Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold mineralization system spatially associated with the MLFZ , as well as intersections of structural lineaments that provide the primary plumbing for mineralizing fluids in this system.


The historic Alwyn Mine is located in the Northwestern portion of our SPJ Land Package. Past production by Alwyn Porcupine Mines Ltd. (1950-1959) included 7000 tons @ 5.67 g/t Au and 1% Cu. 

The Alwyn Mine discovery featured Au-Cu-Ag mineralization in quartz-sulfide veins along the McLaren Lake Fault Zone, which is hosted by Gowganda formation sediments. Two historic drilling programs discovered significant assay results:

  • 1983 – Diamond Drilling Reported intersections of up to 1.38 g/t Au over 15.4m and up to 16.59 g/t Au over 1.52 metres and 4.46 g/t Au over 3.81 metres (Cu results were not reported from this program).
  • 1950 – Diamond Drilling Reported intersections of up to 3.9 g/t Au and 0.79% Cu over 6.04m

MacDonald Mines began prospecting around the Alwyn Mine in 2020 and followed up with detailed trench mapping and channel sampling of 5 previously stripped areas in 2021. Mapping demonstrated copper-gold mineralization associated with multidirectional networks of quartz-carbonate vining, hosted in Gowganda formation sediments. Mineralization consists primarily of copper and gold, with lesser silver and anomalous cobalt. 

Shear Zone associated with Au-Cu mineralization at Alwyn Mine.
Shear Zone associated with Au-Cu mineralization at Alwyn Mine.
Grab samples illustrating Cu-Au-Ag mineralization associated with Qtz-Cb veining of the Alwyn Mine containing 2.59 g/t Au, 2.15% Cu *& 1.53 g/t Ag (sample 610118).
Grab samples illustrating Cu-Au-Ag mineralization associated with Qtz-Cb veining of the Alwyn Mine containing 2.59 g/t Au, 2.15% Cu *& 1.53 g/t Ag (sample 610118).

In May 2022, after ALS GoldSpot proposed an extended mineralization trend at Alwyn for up to 2.5 km southeast of the historic mine, MacDonald Mines completed five oriented drillholes targeting veining proximal to the mine. 4/5 drill holes completed in the area intercepted broad intervals (30-116m core length) of mineralization containing primarily chalcopyrite, traces of bornite and variable pyrite.  Copper-gold mineralization was confirmed over a strike length of 115 m and remains open in all directions, as well as anomalous cobalt mineralization in hole AW-22-101 with 0.015 % Co, 0.017 g/t Ag, and 0.021% copper over 26.5 m. Furthermore, the strongest mineralization and alteration measured during the program occurred in hole AW-22-102, drilled in a previously untested area east of the main mine workings, and remains open at depth and to the east.

2022 drilling completed at the historic Alwyn mine.
2022 drilling completed at the historic Alwyn mine.

The alteration and mineralization observed throughout Alwyn demonstrates strong evidence of MIAC mineral systems. Similar to the alteration facies transitioning in the Scadding-Glade system from Fe-rich to Fe-poor (chlorite to chlorite-quartz to quartz-chlorite to quartz), Alwyn also demonstrates a transition from Fe-poor to Fe-rich alteration facies at depth. In the Alwyn system a gradual transition from Fe-poor, low temperature CO2(Ca,Fe,Mg)-Si facies (quartz-dolomite-chalcopyrite veining) to Fe-poor Si-(Fe)-K (Qtz-Kfs-Ccp +/- specular hematite), to increasingly Fe-rich, low temperature K-Fe alteration facies (Hem-sulfides-actinolite-chlorite) is occurs with increasing depth, demonstrated in the figure below. Historic geophysical surveys have only consisted of magnetic surveys in this area, which would not have been successful in identifying these zones of increased alteration and mineralization due to the lack of magnetite observed in the system thus far. Therefore, in January 2023 MacDonald Mines completed a broad gravity survey along the full length of the proposed Alwyn trend, in order to identify concentrated zones of increased iron alteration consisting of chlorite, hematite and actinolite. These new areas will be targeted in upcoming drill programs.

Examples of Cu-Au mineralization with associated Co and Ag, as well as anomalous Ni from the Alwyn Mine 2022 drill program. Note that the presence of K-feldspar with mineralization, as well as K-feldspar combined with specular hematite and mineralization are very significant observations providing evidence for a larger MIAC mineral system. The transition from Fe-poor LT CO2-(Ca,Fe,Mg)-Si alteration (Qtz-Dol-Ccp) to Fe-poor Si-(Fe)-K alteration (Qtz-Kfs-Ccp +/- specular Hem) and then to increasingly Fe-rich LT-K-Fe alteration (Hem-Sulfides-Actinolite-Chl) facies occurs from left to right with increasing depth at Alwyn. Fe-rich alteration appears to be increasing in intensity after 70m vertical depth.
Examples of Cu-Au mineralization with associated Co and Ag, as well as anomalous Ni from the Alwyn Mine 2022 drill program. Note that the presence of K-feldspar with mineralization, as well as K-feldspar combined with specular hematite and mineralization are very significant observations providing evidence for a larger MIAC mineral system. The transition from Fe-poor LT CO2-(Ca,Fe,Mg)-Si alteration (Qtz-Dol-Ccp) to Fe-poor Si-(Fe)-K alteration (Qtz-Kfs-Ccp +/- specular Hem) and then to increasingly Fe-rich LT-K-Fe alteration (Hem-Sulfides-Actinolite-Chl) facies occurs from left to right with increasing depth at Alwyn. Fe-rich alteration appears to be increasing in intensity after 70m vertical depth.

Alwyn Gravity Survey Highlights:

  • ALS GoldSpot Discoveries Ltd. (“ALS GoldSpot”) has identified 5 high priority gravity targets potentially representing zones of iron-rich alteration associated along the prospective McLaren Lake Fault Zone (“MLFZ”) (see Figure 1) by integrating MacDonald Mines’ newly completed Alwyn gravity survey with regional magnetic surveys
    • All anomalous gravity high zones are spatially associated to the MLFZ, as well as intersections of structural lineaments that provide the primary plumbing for mineralizing fluids in this system.
  • A 250 m long, northwest trending positive gravity target was identified immediately adjacent to the 2022 Alwyn drilling
  • Combined with observations of increasing iron enrichment at depth with the persistence of Cu mineralization in drilling, this anomaly supports the hypothesis for a zone of iron-rich alteration with potential to host Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (“IOCG”) mineralization at Alwyn.
  • Magnetic lows highlighted by ALS GoldSpot’s MinusONE inversion methods outline possible regions of strong albitization associated with the MLFZ
Gravity survey results from ALS GoldSpot’s inversion.
Gravity survey results from ALS GoldSpot’s inversion.

Jovan – Palkovics – McLeod Area:


  • Jovan Au-Co-Cu Showing: 6.85% Co, 7.36 g/t Au, 1.05% Cu over 0.75 m and 14.74 g/t Au, 4.70% Cu over 0.8 m in 2002 channel samples
  • Palkovics: Potential for broad zones of polymetallic mineralization
    • 0.15 g/t Au, 0.005 g/t Ag, and 0.01% Co over 20.48 m, including 0.17 g/t Au (JV-21-090) 
    • 0.035% Co over 3.15 m & 0.87 g/t Au, 0.008 g/t Ag, 0.024% Co and 0.007% Cu over 6.25 m, including 1.20 g/t Au, 0.01 g/t Ag, 0.024 % Co and 0.007% Cu over 4.25 m  (JV-21-093) 
  • McLeod Au-Cu showing: Au grades between 0.01 and 45.5 g/t and Cu grades between 0.023% and 0.39% in grab samples collected during the 2021 field season


The Jovan area within the eastern portion of our SPJ Property is located just 500m south of the past-producing Norstar Mine, which produced 15,000 ounces of gold from 63,000 tonnes of ore grading 7.2 g/t Au and 0.9% Cu. Within the Jovan area, our team has discovered several polymetallic showings that are distributed in two corridors of mineralization and deformation: Palkovics and Ess Creek. Both Palkovics and Ess Creek feature difference centers of mineralization.

Ess Creek and Palkovics mineralization corridors with 2020 3D IP surveys and significant intercepts from drilling and prospecting.
Ess Creek and Palkovics mineralization corridors with 2020 3D IP surveys and significant intercepts from drilling and prospecting.

Palkovics Corridor:

  • Potential for broad zones of polymetallic mineralization at Palkovics:
    • 0.15 g/t Au, 0.005 g/t Ag, and 0.01% Co over 20.48 m, including 0.17 g/t Au (JV-21-090) 
    • 0.035% Co over 3.15 m & 0.87 g/t Au, 0.008 g/t Ag, 0.024% Co and 0.007% Cu over 6.25 m, including 1.20 g/t Au, 0.01 g/t Ag, 0.024 % Co and 0.007% Cu over 4.25 m  (JV-21-093) 
  • Au and Co mineralization overprinting Na alteration
  • Mineralization associated with Cb alteration and Py mineralization
    • As-Py associated with Au 
    • Co-Py associated with Co
  • Trends to the Crerar Au-Co-Cu showing where grab sample contained up to 8.87 g/t Au and 2.96% Cu
Au mineralization in core from Palkovics. Gold associated with carbonate alteration and pyrite mineralization overprinting albitized sedimentary rocks.
Au mineralization in core from Palkovics. Gold associated with carbonate alteration and pyrite mineralization overprinting albitized sedimentary rocks.
Cobalt bloom (erythrite) in strongly albitized sediments at Palkovics.
Cobalt bloom (erythrite) in strongly albitized sediments at Palkovics.

Ess Creek Corridor:

  • McLeod Au-Cu Showing
    • Au grades between 0.01 and 45.5 g/t and Cu grades between 0.023% and 0.39% in grab samples collected during the 2021 field season
    • Au-Cu mineralization in semi-massive, fracture filling arsenopyrite-chalcopyrite-pyrite within albitized felsic intrusive unit and sediments
    • Primarily fracture/joint controlled with possible mineralized lenses concentrated in shallowly plunging fold hinges
  • Jovan Au-Co-Cu Showing 
    • 6.85% Co, 7.36 g/t Au, 1.05% Cu over 0.75 m and 14.74 g/t Au, 4.70% Cu over 0.8 m in 2002 channel samples
Mineralization from 2020 channel samples at the Jovan showing.
Mineralization from 2020 channel samples at the Jovan showing.

Ess Creek Ag and Au Mineralization

  • Anomalous Au mineralization observed in associated with Apy disseminations in albitized tonalite
    • 0.5 g/t Au over 1.26m (JV-21-086)
    • 0.19 g/t Au over 4.65m (JV-21-087)
  • Au mineralization observed in the Ess Creek Deformation Zone
    • 0.85 g/t Au over 1.31m (JV-21-084)
Anomalous Au mineralization associated with disseminated Apy in an albitized intrusion.
Anomalous Au mineralization associated with disseminated Apy in an albitized intrusion.
  • Ess Creek Ni-(PGEs) Mineralization
    • Amp-(Ap)-Po-Py alteration and mineralization associated with Ni-(PGE-Cu) mineralization
    • Exploration drilling demonstrated the association between Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization and the geophysical anomalies (low resistivity, high metal factor)
3D IP surveys conducted in 2020 over the Jovan-Palkovics areas.
3D IP surveys conducted in 2020 over the Jovan-Palkovics areas.
Po-Py alteration and mineralization associated with Ni-(PGE-Cu) mineralization.
Po-Py alteration and mineralization associated with Ni-(PGE-Cu) mineralization.